What does the Reverse Osmosis process take out of your water?

This chart provides estimates for reduction percentages for a few of the contaminants* that a Culligan Reverse Osmosis may remove.
Main Contaminants*
Aluminum 98%
Arsenic (total) 89%
Asbestos 99%
Bicarbonate 97%
Calcium 98%
Chloride 96%
Chlorine 99%
Chromate 92%
Chromium (III) 99%
Copper (II) 99%
Detergents 97%
Fluoride 98%
Lead 98%
Magnesium 98%
Manganese 97%
Mercury (II) 62%
Nitrate (as NO 3) 95%
Nickel 97%
Potassium 92%
Selenium (IV) 98%
Silicate 96%
Silver 98%
Sodium 97%
Sodium Bicarbonate 96%
Sodium Chloride 93%
Sodium Sulfate 98%
Sulfate 97%
TDS Total Dissolved Solids 97%
Zinc 99%
Other Contaminants
barium 97%
cadmium 99%
radium 97%
selenium 97%
strontium 97%
toluene 95%
benzene 83%
ortho-xylene 95%
ethylbenzene 95%
chlorobenzene 95%
p-dichlorobenzene 93%
1, 2-dichloropropene 95%
1, 1-dichloroethylene 86%
1, 1, 1-trichloroethane 93%
cis-1,3-dichloropropene 95%
TCE (trichloroethylene) 98%
PCE (tetrachloroethylene 95%
1, 1, 2, 2-tetrachloroethane 95%
trans-1, 2-dichloroethene 95%
1, 2-dichlorobenzene 95%
1, 2-dichloropropane 95%
1, 1-dichloroethane 95%
hexachlorobutadiene 95%
carbon tetrachloride 87%
EDB 99%
PCB’s 97%
DBCP 99%
Atrazine 97%
herbicides 97%
insecticides 97%
THMs (chloroform) 95%
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*These contaminants may not be present in your water.

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